S4 League Wiki
TouchDown S4 Menu
Touch Down for your victory
~ Tagline

Touchdown (or TD) is a game mode in S4 League.


In Touchdown, players must capture and carry a humanoid ball, called a Fumbi, and deliver it to the opposing team's goal. Holding the Fumbi slowly drains stamina, limiting maneuverability and driving the teamwork aspect of the game. The Fumbi clings to its carrier until the carrier dies, crosses a reset laser, or reaches the goal. Touchdown is split into timed halves. Each half can end early if a team reaches a certain goal threshold. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.


Laser gates

Players begin a game of Touchdown by spawning in their home base. Each home base is protected by laser gates that instantly kill any enemy player that touches them. Note that laser gates do not protect against projectiles, and players in the spawn area take full damage from enemy fire.

Crossing an allied laser gate with the fumbi resets the fumbi to its central start position.


FumbiSenNell Art

Art of the Fumbi, Touchdown's animate ball character

The fumbi is the focal object of Touchdown. Each map has a central fumbi platform where the fumbi returns on reset. The fumbi does not move on its own. Instead, the fumbi clings to the first player that touches it, staying with them until the player scores, dies, or crosses a reset laser. Stamina drains while carrying the fumbi at a net rate of ~5 stamina per second, and any maneuvers spend stamina as normal. The fumbi constantly broadcasts its location with a multicolored beam shooting into the sky.

Fumbi drop

When the carrier dies, the fumbi is dropped at the location of their death. A dropped fumbi can be picked up immediately by any player.

Fumbi reset

An idle fumbi resets to the central fumbi platform after ~10 seconds. Crossing an allied laser gate or falling from the map into the void will trigger an instant reset. Players may intentionally reset the fumbi at a key moment when their team controls the central platform.


Halftime occurs in the middle of a game of Touchdown and gives players a chance to change equipment and skills by choosing another of their preconfigured character builds. Games in Touchdown last between 4 points and 10 points, or between 10 minutes and 30 minutes, depending on game settings. Reaching a high enough number of goals (dependent on game length) triggers an early halftime.

Game length Early halftime
4 P (10 minutes) 2 P
6 P (15 minutes) 3 P
8 P (20 minutes) 4 P
10 P (30 minutes) 5 P


If the pity mechanic is enabled, the team with lesser score gains buffs depending on the score gap. Stamina drain rate decreases as pity grows, and attack power can also increase at a high enough score gap.

Advantage of enemy team Time of SP burning after the get Fumbi

(Full SP without run/jumps)

Attack Bonus
<2 TD 10 seconds None
2 TD 15 seconds None
3 TD 30 seconds +10%
>4 TD No burning SP

(No run/jumps = full sp all the time even with Fumbi)


Player scoreboard

Players can check their match performance by bringing up the player scoreboard (default: Tab). These performance scores are cosmetic and do not directly influence goals or win condition.

Category Main Points Assist Points Description
Kill points 2 1 Kill normal player
Heal points 2 - Heal teammate
Fumbi points 2 - Take the Fumbi
Defence points 4 2 Kill Fumbi keeper or player next to him
Offence points 4 2 Kill when you or teammate next to you have Fumbi
TD score 10 5 Score a goal or be the previous keeper of Fumbi before score



Main article: Touchdown Roles

Touchdown Roles are prescribed team positions for the Touchdown game mode in S4 League. Each role employs specialized weapons, skills, and tactics for offense and defense. Objectives for each touchdown role can include driving the fumbi towards the goal, supporting the fumbi carrier, defending the goal, or some combination of these challenges.

Players can freely choose equipment and alter role loadouts as they wish; no in-game restrictions exist, other than weapon restrictions applied in game settings.


  • Maps for touchdown are usually symmetrical.
  • Maps often feature the team's spawn points near their defense goal, but not always.
  • The Invisible skill does not hide the fumbi's broadcast beam.


  • Touchdown, along with Deathmatch, was one of the first game modes in S4 League.
  • Highway and Neden-3 double as both Deathmatch and Touchdown maps.
    • These maps retain the Fumbi spawn platform and goals, which have no function.